Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 2- more corn soup!

Another awesome day of weather. It was a little cold by Louisville standards, but biking from main campus to the building where our classes are was beautiful.

Programming-wise, we explored more mercurial stuff. Merging heads and branches and even though it gets a little crazy with all of the updates, it still would have made SpecTops more manageable =P. I've also been fighting the urge to stick semi-colons at the end of every line of code I write.. and resisting the urge to surround my functions in ridiculous amounts of parenthesis. We finished working on our factorial programs(and learned for loops and while loops, yay!) and wrote a program that lets you play rock, paper, scissors.

We also got to meet the CAPE students, rising ninth-graders from the bay area who are finishing up their three weeks at Google. I guess it was a lot like my MathPath days.. at least demographic and maturity level-wise, but we had to design kitchen devices that didn't already exist, and then pitch the idea in 60 seconds to convince the buyer to buy. So, the GPS-esque kitchen helper definitely wasn't the winner, but hey.. we tried. we also got to play in the ball pit before the CAPErs arrived.. and by play in the ball pit i really mean lounge in the ball pit. If i worked here, i think i would spend the majority of my time in the ball pit while on my laptop working. I could sleep in that thing, easily.

The food again today was really good. more corn soup for dinner! we've been trying to decide if the corn soup is a hit with the general Google populous or just with our small group. We'll have to ask around with our mentors and stuff i guess..

We got back to SJSU and headed out to Walgreens, so I could buy my hairbrush. (Yes, mother, i've got things under control) and ended up heading into Ross for a little while too. It's basically like TJ Maxx, but better? Walking through downtown San Jose was really nice though.. there are a bunch of cool little restaurants with lights and live music. plus, the weather is so gorgeous albeit a little chilly once it gets dark.

I did bring my camera to campus today, so I got some somewhat decent pictures:

here's a picture of the Google sign. If it didn't take so long to upload pictures i'd put on much more. I'll have to hook the computer up to the ethernet cord tomorrow so I can (hopefully) add a few more pictures!


1 comment:

  1. Rachel and I are enjoying reading your Blog. What an exciting time you are having. Isn’t it amazing how change control systems can enhance your coding and design capabilities?

    Can you get the Corn Soup recipe? 

    Continue to have a wonderful time and go for everything you have in front of you.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's Blog.

