Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 8

This morning I felt like I was waking up for school. It didn't help that the shower here only likes to get warm half of the time... this morning it deceived me by warming up quickly, but then proceeded to get progressively colder. let's just say it was one of the faster showers I've taken in a while... =P

Today was our first day having class at main campus. As opposed to being seated in long lines of tables, we're seated around circular ones which makes for a different environment.. i'm not sure how much we like it, but at least we still have the comfy chairs to sit in!
We went over some more exciting things in Python like classes and inheritance and modified some of the programs we've written to make them look nicer.

Our guest speaker today was Dan, who had awesome sideburns and introduced me to something else that would have made my life easier last year in SpecTops. Dan told us about Google app engine, an engine that lets you create web applications using Java or Python. It even has GQL (Google's version of SQL) built in! No dealing with tricky documentation concerning postgres and Scheme and html and yeah. It would have made my life easier.. Other than showing us an awesome tool, Dan was a pretty awesome guy in general. He played in Stanford's marching band that doesn't march when he was in college. He quickly explained to us how they got banned from Notre Dame and the state of Oregon. He also gave us the following tip:
"Have you ever wondered what happens if you get everyone in an airplane to get up and move to the left and then move to the right?"
"Well, it'll get you banned from Delta."
He also taught us a whole new game to play with our bananagrams tiles: Anagrabble. It's somewhat like Scrabble with anagrams, hence the name. You flip tiles over one by one and when you can spell a word, you take it and put it in front of you. Then as you keep flipping letters in the middle, the other plays can steal your words and make them into new words.. as long as the old word doesn't appear in the same form in the new word. It's fairly difficult to explain (see above, haha) but once you get going, you catch on to what's going on. So instead of heading over to the Google store in the extra 30 minutes we had before lunch we played anagrabble. it was totally worth it.. although I do still love my bananagrams.

We had dinner and headed back to campus. Who knows what tonight has in store, but it will probably include anagrabble, banangrams, and pool.

over and out,

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